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12-21-11 Ordinance Committee Minutes


DECEMBER 21, 2011
PRESENT Temporary Chair Rich Kehoe, Councillors Bill Horan and Eric Thompson

ALSO               Marcia Leclerc, Mayor
PRESENT Frank Cassetta, Acting Human Resources Director
        Ram Aberasturia, Councillor     

Chair Kehoe called the meeting to order at 5:43 p.m.


MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to nominate Rich Kehoe as Chair
of the Ordinance Committee.
        Motion carried 3/0.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Rich Kehoe
                to nominate Bill Horan as Secretary
of the Ordinance Committee.
                Motion carried 3/0.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adopt Robert’s Rules of Order as the rules that shall govern
parliamentary procedure at all subcommittee meetings, with the exception
that (1) the Chair shall not be required to restate the motion of any
Council member unless requested by another Councillor, or when in the
discretion of the Chair, such restatement is necessary to avoid any
confusion as to the motion; and (2) where such rules are in conflict with
the provisions of the State Statutes, the Town Charter, or Town
                Motion carried 3/0.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to hold meetings at the call of the Chair.
                Motion carried 3/0.


MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to store records in the Town Council office.
Motion carried 3/0.


July 19, 2011 Meeting

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to approve the July 19, 2011 meeting minutes.
Motion carried 3/0.






Section 2-115: Directors’ Job Descriptions for: Parks and Recreation, Personnel and Labor Relations, and Inspections and Permits (Building Official)

The Ordinance Committee discussed the relevance of requiring bachelor’s degrees for these director positions when, in a number of circumstances, a person may very well have significant experience but not have a bachelor’s degree.  There was concern that a bachelor’s degree may be a requirement in some instances, and yet additional concern that by requiring a bachelor’s degree we may be eliminating from consideration some very qualified candidates.  The Committee discussed the proper balance between education and experience and decided that for the Director of Parks and Recreation and the Director of Human Resources a bachelor’s degree would be preferred, but not required.  However the Director of Inspections and Permits, because of the technical nature of that particular position, a bachelor’s degree would be required.  The Committee redrafted each of the proposed job descriptions.

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Rich Kehoe
                to send the December 21, 2011 draft of the revised job description for the
                Director of Parks & Recreation (see below) to the Town Council for the
                purposes of setting a public hearing date.
                Motion carried 2/1. Nay: Thompson

Director of Parks and Recreation

December 21, 2011 Draft         

The Director of Parks and Recreation shall have a [Bachelors Degree in] combination of education and experience in recreation or [Administration,] public administration, including [or a closely related field, and] four years of increasingly responsible management or supervisory experience [in Municipal Park and recreation Administration, including three years of management experience]. A bachelor’s degree in a related field shall be preferred. Ability to prepare and maintain an operating budget for a multi-faceted program; ability to develop capital improvement budget for park, recreation and golf course projects; administrative and executive ability to initiate, organize and follow through on comprehensive recreational and park programs and projects; ability to deal effectively with elected officials, members of the general public and the media; ability to administer collective bargaining agreements and personnel policies; ability to prepare administrative reports in a clear, logical manner; ability to present ideas and policies to individuals and groups; and the ability to supervise.

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Rich Kehoe
                to send the December 21, 2011 draft of the revised job description for the
                Director of Human Resources (see below) to the Town Council for the
                purposes of setting a public hearing date.
                Motion carried 2/1. Nay: Thompson

Director of [Personnel and Labor Relations] Human Resources

December 21, 2011 Draft

The Director of [Personnel and Labor Relations] Human Resources shall have a [Bachelors Degree in a related field.  Personnel and Industrial Relations, Public Administration, Business Administration, or some closely related field, and five years of progressively responsible experience in personnel administration or labor relations, with two years of experience in public personnel administration.] combination of education and experience in human resources or public administration, including [Business Administration, or some closely related field, and] five years of progressively responsible experience in the public sector.  A bachelor’s degree in a related field shall be preferred. [personnel administration or labor relations, with two years of experience in public personnel administration. A Masters Degree in Business or Public Administration may be substituted for two years of the aforementioned practical work experience.] Thorough knowledge of the principals and practices of public personnel administration, including labor relations, personnel selection, classification, compensation and Affirmative Action; knowledge of local, state and federal laws and regulations governing personnel practices; considerable ability in written and oral communication; ability to deal effectively with employees, department heads, labor representatives and the public; skill in negotiating collective bargaining agreements; ability to plan and direct department programs and staff activities; and ability to supervise.

MOTION  By Bill Horan
                seconded by Eric Thompson
                to send the December 21, 2011 draft of the revised job description for the
                Director of Inspections & Permits (see below) to the Town Council for the
                purposes of setting a public hearing date.
                Motion carried 3/0.

Director of Inspections and Permits (Building Official)

December 21, 2011 Draft

Director of Inspections and Permits (Building Official). The Director of Inspections and Permits shall have a Bachelors Degree in architecture, [Civil or Structural] engineering, public administration or related field, a building official’s license issued by the State of Connecticut and five years of increasingly responsible management or supervisory experience. [in the construction trades, including three years of related supervisory and inspection experience, and a building official's license issued by the State of Connecticut, if such license is required by state law.]  Considerable knowledge of building construction practices; considerable knowledge of building and zoning codes and regulations; a working knowledge of wetland and watercourse regulations; ability to supervise; ability to interpret engineering and architectural plans, drawings and specifications; ability to prepare concise written reports; ability to publicly present reports in a clear and concise manner; physical ability to inspect construction work in progress; and ability to work in poor weather conditions, including heat, rain or snow.

MOTION  By Eric Thompson
                seconded by Bill Horan
                to adjourn (7:10 p.m.)
                Motion carried 3/0.

cc:  Mayor Leclerc
      Frank Cassetta, Acting Human Resources Director